Import contacts from Outlook Express
Importing your contacts from an Outlook Express (.csv file)
- From the Outlook Express main menu, select File > Export > Address Book. This will take you to the Address Book Export Wizard.
- Select Text File (Comma Separated Values) and then click Export.
- Click Browse to locate the directory where you want to place the exported file. For file name, type in a file name of your choice and add CSV at the end (ex: mycontactlist.csv). The Save as type: pull-down menu should display Comma Separated Values (*.csv). Then click Save and Next.
- In the Select the fields you wish to export section, you can select whichever fields you want to import into your account. You will have the option to rename these column headings later. Click Finish. The new CSV file should now be in the location that you indicated.
Your file is now ready to upload into Purlem.